About our office

Hoffner Elite Dentistry is conveniently located in Findlay, Ohio. From the moment you come in you know you're at the right place. We offer an at home atmosphere in our reception area to help you feel at home, including plush and comfortable seating as well as televisions. All of our equipment provides the highest in quality care. Digital X-rays used by our highly trained staff produce the lowest possible radiation. To further provide services to those with high anxiety, we offer both oral and...Read More

Patient Satisfaction

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Services we provide

At Hoffner Elite Dentistry we strive to provide our patients with the best and most complete dental care. Our doctors and staff frequently attend continuing education seminars to learn the latest dental techniques. Here are some of the services we provide, please click here.

Payment Forms

We offer a number of convenient payment options for our patients which make it easy to afford any care you may need.

Languages Spoken

  • English